Mirror Mirror

Mirror Mirror is a serialized ebook combining character based SciFi Fantasy fiction with cc licensed music.
Once a month I'll release a new chapter of the book with a new song relating to each episode drawn or inspired from the archive of ccmixter.org.
Yes its totally free!
Published under a non-commercial attribution creative commons license

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Mirror Mirror _Chapter 9 Flying in my sleep

Please scroll down if nothing appears in this window. Thanks FLASH 10 UPDATE
Scomber Mirror Mirror "Flying in my Sleep" Ch 9

1 comment:

  1. The Flash 10 update seems to be causing a bit of grief by not displaying the title page, scroll down and the text is on page 2!
    HMLT 5.0 and flash 10 are at loggerheads!
    A bit like the real world: Steve Jobs vs Adobe vs Microsoft
